
Discovery Prayers

Where Discovery prayers live

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Gathering

Prayer for the individual in your life who does not know Jesus

Father God, thank You for loving ____________ the way you love me. I pray that you would open their heart and mind to the Gospel. Jesus, reveal to them Your love for them and the life You have for them. Create a discontent in them with life as they know it, and give them a desire to pursue You and Your way of life. Holy Spirit, stir questions in their mind and move them to have spiritual conversations with me or another disciple of Jesus. Help _________ to recognize Your activity in their life and bring them to a point of decision about JESUS. Give them faith to put their trust in You and make You Lord of their life. In Jesus name, Amen.

Let us know who you would like us to pray for

Thursday, January 27, 2022

The Gathering

Prayer of the Disciple

Father God, thank You for loving me enough to send someone to share the good news of Jesus with me. Now my life and my eternity belong to You. Empower me to do for others what You did for me by making me a messenger of the Gospel. Jesus, give me a passion to share Your love and good news with those who live apart from You. Put people in my path who do not know You and give me eyes to see and ears to hear what You are already doing in them. Empower me, by the Holy Spirit, to speak and act in ways that puts You on display and persuades them of Your love for them. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

A heartfelt prayer from Pastor Don Cousins for Discovery Church and followers of Jesus

Heavenly Father,

We come to You as Your children; disciples of Jesus who want to win in life. Father, in and of ourselves we can’t win. We need You, and so we come before You in humility declaring our need for your strength and power. We need Your mighty power!

We need to put Your armor on. We need to put on Jesus, who is the truth, who is our righteousness, who is the good news and the object of our faith, the source of our salvation and the Word of God.

Oh Father, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, I ask that You clothe us in Your Son.

May we desire from our hearts to walk in the truth. If there be any deceit or any deceitful ways in us, would you reveal that to us that we might repent of our deceit and walk in the truth.

May we cover ourselves with Your breastplate of righteousness—not our righteousness, but Yours.

Father, if there be any sin; any ongoing sin in us, reveal it now that we might choose to confess and repent of it. Give us the desire to walk rightly before You.

Father, fit our feet with the good news of Jesus. May our being IN CHRIST be the very source of our identity, both individually and collectively. May our being IN CHRIST serve as the foundation upon which we are able to stand firm in life.

Father, we need Your help to hold the shield of faith. We thank You that even when we are faithless, that You are faithful. To the degree that we suffer from unbelief, help us in our unbelief. Even today, some of us have a faith that is wavering. I ask that You, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, strengthen every faith that is wavering. May our confidence be in who You are, and in what You promise to us.
Enable us to put on the helmet of salvation that we would be able to take our every thought and bring it into alignment with Christ Jesus our Lord. Enable us to win the battle for our minds, that we might be victorious in the battles of life for Your Name’s sake.

Finally, may we hold firmly to Your Word…the truth that guides us, the truth that encourages us, the truth that provides us with hope. May we hold firmly to Your Word, and especially so in times of hardship and temptation. Give us the ability to discern the lies of the enemy and the power to resist them. Give us the power to think, speak and act in accordance with Your Word.

Thank You for giving us access to Your throne room, all day and all night, through this avenue we call prayer. It is Your presence that we need. It is a Word from You that we need.

May we suit up today and every day in Your armor that we might be able to stand firm and win.
Thanks for giving us the victory in and through Jesus. Thanks for placing us on the winning side.
Teach us and lead us in ways that enable us to truly and fully enjoy You.
Heal us of that which robs us of personal well-being.

Give us the humility and the courage to do what is required to experience true relational community, and grant us the deliverance we need to be free and the calling we need to find purpose, and meaning, and faithfulness in life.

You made us to win—Thank You!

By the power of Your Holy Spirit enable us to live as winners, for our good and for the glory of Your Name.

In the name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we ask for all of this.