
The Men’s Ministry engages men in meaningful relationships with other men to help them grow as disciples of Jesus and to find fulfillment in their calling at home, work, church, community, country, and the world.

When men lead their families to churchthe wife and kids follow 90% of the time.

The reason most messages for men ultimately fail is simple: what is deep and true for a man’s heart goes ignored. A man’s heart is restored and territory is reclaimed when he realizes he has an adventure to live, a beauty to love, and a work to accomplish.

Get Involved

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Weekly Breakfast

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, across all three campuses, over 400 men come together to take the next step toward their calling.

Times & Locations
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Weekly Small Groups

Sign up at the Weekly Breakfast

Learn More
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Discovery in Motion

Volunteer your skills to serve in and around the community.



Men ages 18 and up are welcome to apply. The following Ten Topics can be chosen for mentoring:

  • Spiritual Growth- To become a BGP (Big Godly Person).
  • Career and Calling- To find fulfillment in your calling at home, work, and church.
  • Friendships- To know and be known for the purpose of caring involvement.
  • Marriage- To find fulfillment in your marriage.
  • Children- To find fulfillment as a dad.
  • Money- How to be a better steward of God’s provision.
  • Emotions- To overcome struggles with identity, guilt, stress, anxiety, and loss.
  • Time Management/Life Balance- To say no to the good and yes to the best.
  • Lust- To deal with this powerful drive.
  • Sharing Your Faith- To learn to start authentic spiritual conversations.

Once accepted and approved…

Once you’ve been accepted as either a mentor or your request for a mentor has been approved, you meet with a pastor to facilitate the mentor/protégé match and receive training on how to use your Mentoring Field Guide. The DC Men’s mentoring program is one-year commitment where the mentor and protégé are encouraged to meet two times a month.

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Become a Mentor or Protégé

We’re excited that you are interested in our mentoring program. Please click “Sign Up Now” and fill out the form. We will be in touch shortly after completion.

Featured Events

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Boot Camp

This isn’t a men’s retreat. It is a challenging disciple-making experience unlike anything you have ever seen. This Boot Camp is a no-BS trek into the deep passions and desires of a man’s heart, exposing the wounds he has taken in battle, and providing hope for freedom from those wounds

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Advanced Boot Camp

Once a man attends two Boot Camps, he is eligible to attend an Advanced Boot Camp. Participants move from learning about spiritual warfare to participating in spiritual warfare.


Meet Our Team

Brian Pikalow
Dr. Brian Pikalow
Men's Ministry Pastor
Zach Bolinger
Zack Bolinger
Associate Pastor
Winter Garden
Jeremy Schirle
Jeremy Schirle
Lead Pastor
Rebecca Houghes
Rebecca Houghes
Administrative Assistant